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a groovy pulating orb gif
a logo that say BEANS a video game company in the style of Orion Films' logo
a cool clear spinning crystal gif
another cool clear spinning crystal gif

B E A N S 

are a pair of creative thinkers who want to help you and your team craft sensational experiences in the glamorous and timeless world of digital interactive video entertainment gaming.

Based in Toronto, Canada, we have over 30 years of experience in the industry working on projects such as Grand Theft Auto, Assassin's Creed, Splinter Cell, Pokémon GO, and most notably - 1999's Spice World for the Sony PlayStation.

text that says some of our clients
an electronic arts logo
a tencent logo
a devolver digital logo
a niantic logo

We're eager to help you with:

  • Creative Direction

  • Game Design

  • Worldbuilding

  • Narrative Development

  • IP Management

  • General Mischief

a spinning gif of a super cool metal alien head
another spinning gif of a super cool metal alien head

reach out to or click below

a sick gif of a flaming skull
an email button
another sick gif of a flaming skull
a gif that is flasshing the text COOL LINKS
a gif of a delicious pixelated tropical drink being drank
a gif that says Netscape NOW
a y2k counter rolling over from 1999 to the year 2000
a banner letting you know about
a classic geocities gif
a give letting everyone know to leave AOL
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